Client Onboarding Made Easy 3-Day Bootcamp

Easily Get Your Coaching Clients Through Your Sales Process And Using Your Programs
Client Onboarding Made Easy Bootcamp
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This is for you if...
...Don't have infinite time to spend getting your clients on board

...You have to gather tons of info so your sales calls take longer

...You can't take new clients because you're still getting current ones up to speed

...You don't have a consistent way of getting clients from sale to delivery

Discover how to create a system that sets your clients up for success and
reduces your manual work!
Client Onboarding Made Easy
3-Day Bootcamp

Here’s what you’ll LEARN and DO…

  1. Ways to use your scheduling tool to reduce manual work
  2. Map your system and procedure for onboarding
  3. Optimize your onboarding steps so you work smarter!

...and a whole lot more!

Get clients using your services FASTER so you can serve MORE CLIENTS and get MORE MONEY!

I want to teach you how!

Kellye Franklin is the go-to Operations and Systems Consultant for small businesses who are ready to crack their next profit ceiling and scale to the seven-figure mark. The perfect strategic partner for visionary founders and CEOs who are handcuffed to their laptops and phones, she guides her clients into their next level of growth with the systems and technology they need to get their operational houses in order—fast. With Kellye by their side, companies quickly optimize their operations, increase their profitability and love their companies again.

Extraordinary at what she does, Kellye’s success portfolio is unmatched. The executive secret weapon of Fortune 50 companies for more than two decades, Kellye is known for blowing strategic objectives out of the water. Handling multi-billion-dollar operational budgets with ease, she can single handedly save companies hundreds of thousands in expenses and thousands of hours in labor with a few strategic tweaks. From restructuring business models to implementing robust planning practices, Kellye shows clients how to make smarter decisions that lead to substantial increases in their bottom lines. Results like these prove that she is the brilliant brain that any business owner needs behind their operations.

With an entrepreneur’s heart blended with her corporate insight, Kellye is a true innovator when it comes to operational system strategies for small businesses. A results-driven, roll-up-her-sleeves type of woman, she expertly delivers process and project implementation solutions to clean up the messes that can cost—or make—a company millions.

And the joy of her work? Showing CEOs of rapidly growing companies the way back to what they do best—creating, innovating and leading. 